A website & blog for residents (and neighbours) of Dalston Square


Hello neighbours. Two meetings to talk about, one past and one up-coming. Firstly the meeting past. July 18th saw the latest meeting of the Culture and Community Engagement Forum, and I have posted the minutes from this meeting to our discussions Forum HERE. Secondly, the next DSRA general meeting is to be held Tuesday of next week, 14th August, 7.00pm at 32 Raddon Tower. As per usual it is expected to last an hour and a half to two hours, and all Dalston Square residents (owners and renters alike) are invited to come along: The more active members we have, the stronger our voice in negotiation.

And here is the agenda for that meeting:

1. Buildings Sub Committee report back. Progress on our back-log of repair requests

2. Anti Social Behaviour issues – A report back re meeting in July with Consort and Council 

Progress in establishing positive expectations/good neighbourliness

3. Cultural events in the Square – Cultural Sub Committee

Making the Square a community space for all.

4. Where next for the DSRA? 

One Committee for whole complex? Democracy? Open Committee with sub Committees? Keeping it manageable. Time to cover a full      agenda? Are some items best left to sub-committees? Elections or appointment of officers? Chair, Secretary etc.: Is this desirable? Continue with current ‘semi formal’ structures of self appointed volunteers?

5. Communications

a) email lists –  i) ‘Activists list ii) Full residents list

b) website

c) newsletter

6. Summer Social

Roof Garden – Sept 9th – People back from summer breaks and closing ceremony of the Paralympics so fireworks?

7. AOB

2 responses

  1. Terry Mead

    hello, I have recieved an invite to the summer social, many thanks and God willing my wife and I along with my mother will be there. From your meeting agenda item 6. it seems like you were expecting an event to last until the closing of the games, to involve fireworks,maybe, or watch the fireworks of the games. The invite shows times of 5pm until 7pm, is this the total duration of the event or is this the expected time of arriving and the event will go later into the evening to take in the closing of the games. Hopefully somebody will be able to get back to me before the weekend with a responce to this, many thanks Terry and Shannon

    Wednesday, 5 September, 2012 at 11:15 am

    • Hi Terry. You are bang on correct that the original plan was for this event to run during the Paralympic closing ceremony. Since then however, it was decided that attendance may be poor if we left it until too late in the evening, and so the time was set as 5-7pm. That said, the finishing time of 7pm is anything but set in stone. With the weather forecast for the weekend saying warm and sunny, if we get a decent turn-out for the social I see no reason at all for it to not run through and include some Paralympic fireworks. I, for one, will be keen to see them as I missed the closing of the Olympics. See you there!

      Wednesday, 5 September, 2012 at 2:49 pm

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